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NIH Grant Submission Timeline

The following table is taken from the NIH website at . It lists the standard due dates and submission deadlines for the many forms of NIH funding. Please keep these due dates in mind when requesting information or letters of support from the NBSTRN and allow enough lead time for your requests to be processed by both the NBSTRN and your institution.


Program Description


Cycle I
Due Date

Cycle II
Due Date

Cycle II
Due Date

P Series
All - new, renewal, resubmission, revision

Program Project Grants and Center Grants

NOTE: Applicants should check with the relevant Institute or Center (IC), since some do not accept P series applications for all three receipt/review/award cycles.

Transition to SF424 (R&R): On Hold

PHS 398

January 25

May 25

May 25


All - new, renewal, resubmission, revision

Research Demonstration
Education Projects

SF424 (R&R)

January 25

May 25

May 25

T Series

D Series
All - new, renewal, resubmission, revision

Institutional National Research
   Service Awards

Other Training Grants

NOTE: Applicants should check with the relevant Institute or Center (IC), since some do not accept T series applications for all three receipt/review/award cycles. Applicants should refer to the
IC Table of Contacts for information for each IC’s scientific/research contact for the NRSA T32 program.

SF424 (R&R)*
*SF424 (R&R) must be used for applications intended for submission deadlines of January 25, 2010 and beyond.

January 25

May 25

May 25

All - new, renewal, resubmission, revision

Construction Grants

SF424 (R&R)

January 25

May 25

May 25

G07, G08, G11, G13, G20, S11, S21, S22, SC1, SC2, SC3
All - new, renewal, resubmission, revision

Other Mechanisms

SF424 (R&R)

January 25

May 25

May 25

D71/U2R, G12, M01, R10/U10, R24/U24, S06, U19, U45, U54, U56
All - new, renewal, resubmission, revision

Other Mechanisms

Transition to SF424 (R&R): On Hold

PHS 398

January 25

May 25

May 25


Research Grants

SF424 (R&R)

February 5

June 5

June 5


Research Grants - Cooperative Agreements

Transition to SF424 (R&R): On Hold

PHS 398

February 5

June 5

June 5

K series

Research Career Development

Transition to SF424 (R&R): **K applications (except K12 and K30) transition to SF424 (R&R) forms with Cycle I (February 12, 2009). K12 and K30 applications are expected to transition in February 2010.

** PHS 398
SF424 (R&R)

February 12

June 12

June 12

R03, R21, R33, R21/R33, R34, R36

Other Research Grants

SF424 (R&R)

February 16

June 16

June 16

All - new, renewal, resubmission, revision

Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA)

SF424 (R&R)

February 25

June 25

June 25

renewal, resubmission, revision

Research Grants

SF424 (R&R)

March 5

July 5

July 5

renewal, resubmission, revision

Research Grants - Cooperative Agreements

Transition to SF424 (R&R): On Hold

PHS 398

March 5

July 5

July 5

K series
renewal, resubmission, revision

Research Career Development

Transition to SF424 (R&R): ***K applications (except K12 and K30) transition to SF424 (R&R) forms with Cycle I (February 12, 2009). K12 and K30 applications are expected to transition in February 2010.

*** PHS 398
SF424 (R&R)

March 12

July 12

July 12

R03, R21, R33, R21/R33, R34, R36
renewal, resubmission, revision

Other Research Grants

SF424 (R&R)

March 16

July 16

July 16

R41, R42

R43, R44,
All - new, renewal, resubmission, revision

Small Business Technology
   Transfer (STTR)

Small Business Innovation
   Research (SBIR)

SF424 (R&R)

April 5

August 5

August 5

F Series Fellowships
new, renewal, resubmission

Individual National Research Service Awards (Standard)

(see NRSA Training Page)

SF424 (R&R)

April 8

August 8

August 8

R13, U13
All - new, renewal, resubmission, revision

Conference Grants and Conference Cooperative Agreements

SF424 (R&R)

April 12

August 12

August 12

F31 Diversity Fellowships
new, renewal, resubmission

Individual Predoctoral Fellowships (F31) to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research  (see NRSA Training Page)

SF424 (R&R)

April 13

August 13

August 13







All Mechanisms Cited Above
new, renewal, resubmission, revision

AIDS and AIDS-Related Applications

NOT-OD-07-053 for change in AIDS receipt dates)

Based on Mechanism  

May 7
(old date
May 1)

September 7
(old date
September 1)

September 7
(old date
September 1)